20 Spoiled Cats Living Life Of True Kings And Queens
July 13, 2022
Alright, so what’s the deal with Cats? Why they gotta be all moody and sassy all the time? We’ve been looking for answers since a very long time now. But sadly, no luck. One of the main moods of cats that you’re gonna witness is being majestic. They know they’re here to rule and nothing more or less. Well, more is still an option but less? Uh-huh! But seriously, is that their fault? Mostly it’s us humans who spoil our kitties with love. One meow from a cat and we’re ready to give them tuna for the 4th time in a day. Didn’t happen to us when we were kids, so why now?
Honestly, spoiling our feline friends isn’t such a bad thing after all. They make us happy and we can pretty much do anything to keep them happy. Works both way, right? But now we’re wondering, they probably live a better life than us. Is that so? They’ve obviously dominated us, what else would they need!
So finally, we’ve gathered pictures of cats, that are not only spoiled but also know that whatever they can see or touch is theirs. So don’t be mad if your cat thinks your food is theirs or your spouse is theirs as well. They’re literally living the regal life right now.
Scroll below to see what absolute Kingship and Queenship is like for these cats.
1. “DIY’ed a tower for my cats from Amazon boxes. I think they enjoy it!”
via u/ipoopette
They went from ruling over your house to their own castle real quick.
2. Mom: “So don’t tell dad… but [stage whisper] this pillow for Bob was €70…”
via @bonojour
Your Kitty Highness, anything for you!
3. “Breakfast in bed for the master of the house”
via u/catshealmysoul
Your royal banquet is here.