50 Pics That Prove Two Cats Are Better Than One Cat
July 10, 2022
The more furry friends you have, the happier you are right? RIGHT?! At the risk (or honor) of sounding like an obsessive cat lady, the best way to heal that hole in your heart is to bring home another little kitty for your first beloved catto. Watching that cat duo doing their own cute goofy stuff will without a doubt soothe your tired soul. And if you’re not already a proud floof owner, we’re here to take your fantasies to the next level with double the feline fun!
You know what? You don’t even have to take our word for it! We’ve collected proof (in 50 pictures no less) that two cats will boost your obsessions to the next level. If you and your cat are the only decision-makers, then what are you waiting for? But you may have some convincing to do if your parents, partner, or roommate have their doubts. All you have to do is forward this article to them and we’re sure they’ll be converts in no time!
We wish it was all rainbows and butterflies though. To share the flip side of this double-cat utopia, it’s important for you to make an informed decision. Some cats may not appreciate the company and would rather be the only feline ruling your heart. PDSA vet Anna Ewers Clark sheds some light on this issue: “Although it can be tempting to think that your cat might benefit from getting another feline friend, quite the opposite could be true! Introducing a new, unrelated cat to an existing cat’s territory can actually be very stressful for them both, so think very carefully before getting ‘company’ for your cat.”
For now, let’s just focus on the positives though shall we? Scroll through these posts to reignite your love for the cutest floofballs in all the land. It’s time to sit back, relax and show some love for these gorgeous kitties. I mean how can you refuse?
1. Fluffiest blanket ever
via lukas120
Today, I Adopted Two 8 Week Old Kittens Who Are Brothers. I Originally Applied For One But When I Got The Call About Being Accepted To Adopt, I Was Asked If I Wanted To Adopt The Brothers Together Because The People Adopting His Brother Backed Out. Meet Kingston And Derby!
2. If you want me, you’ll have to get to both of us!
via drenniks