Girl Receives The Most Adorable Texts After Leaving Her Dog With Dad

July 10, 2022

It’s a dream for a lot of people to be surrounded by their grandchildren someday. Unfortunately, not everyone is ready and some people even find it better to own a dog rather than having kids of their own.

When Meghan Specksgoor had to leave for a trip, she needed someone to take care of her four-legged child and what better person than the person who raised you? It’s always been said that pets should be treated like part of the family and this dad certainly did. In fact, he began sending messages as the dog to his owner and it is absolutely adorable. 

They usually get along great,” Meghan said. “Chance is allowed to do whatever he wants with my dad – like an actual grandchild – and is given all sorts of treats the whole time he’s with him.

Before we go on with the story though, there’s a little something that I think all you animal lovers should know. Chance was actually found at the Richmond Animal League (RAL)

I walked into [there] with a friend of mine who was looking for a puppy. And walked out with a completed application for ‘Chap.’ ‘Chap’ was brought to RAL with a shattered jaw from someone shooting him. We had surgery done to get a plate put in his jaw and he has been perfect ever since. He’s been re-named after my favorite rapper “Chance the Rapper,” and I thought it was fitting since he has been given a second chance at life.

Now, back to the story that the whole internet seems to be loving. It just so happens that we’re pretty lucky and Meghan decided to share with the world, the adorable text messages that she received from her dad.

Meet Meghan Specksgoor, a woman who had to leave for a trip and needed someone to take care of her dog while she was away

Meet Meghan Specksgoor, a woman who had to leave for a trip and needed someone to take care of her dog while she was away


Here’s the adorable pair now

Here’s the adorable pair now


She decided that it was only right to let her father take care of him and here’s what happened:

She decided that it was only right to let her father take care of him and here’s what happened:


Oh he deserves all the ice cream in the world, look at that cute face!

Oh he deserves all the ice cream in the world, look at that cute face!


He sure does love his grandpa

He sure does love his grandpa


Doesn’t this just make your heart melt?

Doesn’t this just make your heart melt?


Reuninted and it feels so good

Reuninted and it feels so good

As you can probably tell, this story got a great response from Twitter users and dog lovers from around the world.

As you can probably tell, this story got a great response from Twitter users and dog lovers from around the world.

Hey what about the dog?!